Match Color

Match Color


This function will start a Match Color adjustment with specific source and target already set;

PS substitute:

preparing the source for Match Color before using the function, setting the source image and layer among the 10000 layers you have;

Why I use it:

To quickly use Photoshop match color functionality without spending hours on setting everything up;

  • Simply running this function will use a merged copy of all layers (but the active one) as a source for Match Color;

  • Having a selection in the document will use a merged copy of the selected area as a source;

  • Having two layers selected will use the top layer as a target and the botom layer as a source;

  • Holding the Ctrl-key will apply the adjustment to a clipped copy of a target layer;

In this video I’m matching a new part of Roboguy using a selection. I was holding the Ctrl-key so Match Color was used on a copy of the layer: